Wednesday, December 2, 2015

GOP Polling - Bad News For Jeb

The graphs below represent the results of Twitter polling for each candidate. The match ups were between two candidates at a time and votes came from a conservative Republican audience. 

First up is Jeb Bush. Jeb did the worst by far and will never be the nominee. If by some chance he is he will lose to Hillary. Jeb needs to go. 

Next up is the front runner, Donald Trump. Donald beats Jeb Bush, but nobody else. His supporters are motivated but his negatives are very high. Ted Cruz beat Donald Trump easily. 

Chris Christie is next. He also lost all three contests. 

Marco Rubio had mixed success, beating Carson and Fiorina but losing to Cruz. 

Ted Cruz did the best in this polling. 

Rand Paul also did well. Since I Stand With Rand I am sure there is some bias in his polling but he won all three as well. 

Republicans should avoid nominating someone who most Republicans cannot support, or openly despise. We do not want another John McCain. There are no authorities to tell. Nobody "controls" your vote. 

Each of us must consider not only our own preferences but also what is likely and what is best overall. We need to discuss these choices and make decisions carefully. 

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